Handbook Information
Gorham School District
Health Services
There are many important health needs recognized in school-age children, therefore state laws and Board of Education policies have been developed to promote the health and safety of these children. It is the goal of the Gorham Health Services Department to carry out these policies and to identify preventative measures to promote wellness in the school community.
The School Health Department is staffed by professional nurses who cover Gorham High School, Gorham Middle School, Great Falls Elementary, Narragansett Elementary and Village Elementary Schools. Please contact the school nurse at your student’s school for any health concerns or questions.
Please Report All Communicable Diseases To The School Nurse!
Student Health Records
Student health information, both written and verbal, is confidential. Information will only be shared with individuals with a need to know to ensure the student's health and safety.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the health of your student please contact your school nurse.
Student Medication Policy
The Gorham School Committee is committed to ensuring the safety of all students who may require medications at school. To ensure safe practice this medication policy was developed with the intention of keeping students requiring essential medications in school without placing undue burden upon those responsible for their care.
Medications will not be administered without the written consent of both the parent and the student’s physician. The physician should concur that the administration of a medication during school hours is necessary for the health of the student.
The physician order must include:
the medication, route, and dosage
the length of time to administer the medication (no longer than the current school year)
medication side effects
the medical personnel to notify in case of an untoward effect of the medication
In the interest of maintaining students’ health, nurses may ask the parent to seek a physician’s advice if the use of over-the-counter medication is prolonged or may be inappropriate.